Chapel and Choir

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Magdalen College Chapel and Choir 

The Chapel and Choir has been an essential part of the spiritual and cultural life of Magdalen since the Choir’s foundation in 1480 with provision made in the statutes for sixteen choristers, eight Academical Clerks and four chaplains. 

This historic legacy has been preserved, maintained and adapted over five centuries, and the Choir now has an international reputation as one of the finest ensembles in the UK. There are now twelve male and female Academical Clerks singing alongside the sixteen boy choristers, educated at Magdalen College School. The Consort of Voices was founded in 2010 to offer sopranos the opportunity to sing in the Chapel on a weekly basis. A team of voluntary and stipendiary chaplains support the Dean of Divinity in the provision of public worship, one of the College’s three charitable objectives.

The Choir’s international reputation is enhanced by tours, recordings and radio broadcasts, as well as singing at alumni events and special occasions throughout the year, including the traditional May Day celebrations and Carols by Candlelight.

How your support could make a difference

Friends, Patrons and Benefactors of the Choir are an important part of the Choir family, providing essential support that helps to maintain the Choir’s reputation for touring, recording and performing, while laying the foundations for an endowment that will enable the Choir to flourish for generations to come.

Regular donors to the Choir are thanked and recognised at the following levels:

Friend of the Choir: £10 per month

• Priority booking for the Christmas Friends of the Choir and Alumni Carols by Candlelight service

• Newsletters about the Choir’s activities

• Special recognition in College publications and concert programmes

Patron of the Choir: £40 per month

In addition to the above:

• Termly Music List and Chapel Card

• A copy of all new CDs recorded by the Choir

• Two tickets to the Christmas Carols by Candlelight service

• Annual invitation to Evensong and drinks with members of the Choir

Benefactor of the Choir: £4,000 annually

In addition to the above:

• Four tickets to the Christmas Carols by Candlelight service

• Two tickets to at least one other Choir concert per year

• The exclusive opportunity to attend private rehearsals and recording sessions

• Opportunity to name a clerkship or to be named in bookplates in new copies of music

• Annual invitation to dinner in College with the Informator Choristarum

Read our Chapel and Choir leaflet here for more informaiton.

Spread the word

6 days, 20 hours ago
John Wakeford donated £10.00 monthly
2 weeks ago
Alison Bujic donated £250.00
2 months, 1 week ago
An anonymous user donated £100.00
2 months, 3 weeks ago
An anonymous user donated £600.00
3 months, 2 weeks ago
An anonymous user donated £50.00
4 months, 1 week ago
Ian Mycroft donated quarterly